Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 26 » Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс
Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс
Part 1

Listen to a story. Read the statements below and say whether they are true or false. Write your answers (1 or 2) in your answer sheet.


1. The story is set in North America.

1/ True

2/ False

2. The four sisters were sitting in the living room by the fire.

1/ True

2/ False

3/ The youngest sister was eleven.

1/ True

2/ False

4/ Their mother was visiting a sick and poor man in the hospital.

1/ True

2/ False

5/ Their father was fighting in the war as a soldier.

1/ True

2/ False

6/ The sisters were knitting scarves for the soldiers.

1/ True

2/ False

7/ The girls were unhappy about the fact that they were poor.

1/ True

2/ False

8/ Jo wanted to fight in the war.

1/ True

2/ False

9/ Mrs March was very beautiful.

1/ True

2/ False

10/ Their father sent them Christmas presents.

1/ True

2/ False











Part 2

Listen to a story and do the tasks below. Write your answers (1, 2 or 3) in the answer sheet.


11. Everybody wanted to get a ticket for Sir Anthony Evans’ concert because …

1/ he was going to play Liszt.

2/ they had seen the big picture of him at the piano.

3/ it was his anniversary concert.

12. The narrator came to the concert because …

1/ many people wanted to listen to Sir Anthony Evans playing.

2/ she had a special ticket.

3/ she had some work to do there.

13. The narrator was going to …

1/ have a talk with the musician.

2/ watch the concert and talk to the musician after that.

3/ buy a ticket at the ticket office.

14. How did the narrator feel when she was walking to Sir Anthony’s dressing-room?

1/ happy

2/ nervous

3/ cheerful

15. Which of these was there on the door of Sir Anthony’s dressing room?

1/ a big gold star

2/ words which were a metre high

3/ his picture

16. What did Sir Anthony think about The Sunday Times?

1/ He liked it.

2/ He disliked it.

3/ He had never read it.

17. Sir Anthony …

1/ started to play when he was a very little boy.

2/ came from a musical family.

3/ used to work on a farm.

18. When Sir Anthony began to tell the narrator about himself, the narrator …

1/ dropped her pen.

2/ was surprised.

3/ turned to the tall woman sitting in the room.

19. Sir Anthony’s school was …

1/ with broken glass in the windows

2/ old

3/ a high dirty building

20. As Sir Anthony spoke, Sally …

1/ was getting more and more surprised.

2/ could imagine everything vividly.

3/ was thinking about something else.











Конкурс понимания письменного текста

(Paper 2. Reading)

(7-8 классы)

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста, входят:

Методические рекомендации

Описание процедуры проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста

Текст задания (для каждого участника)

Бланк ответов (для каждого участника)

Ключи (для членов жюри)
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